Writing an eye-catching headline

• Keep it short, preferably under 10 words
• Be as specific as possible
• Use simple, unambiguous words
• Try to make the reader curious by using intriguing and emotive words
• Entice the reader by asking a question or making a bold statement
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• Address the reader directly by using the pronoun “you”
• Headlines with numbers work well (e.g. “5 tips for…” or “The top 8…”)
• Headlines that suggest a benefit or reward are also effective (e.g. “How to…” or “Why you should…”)
• Be honest – don’t let your headline mislead the reader about the content of your article
The lead, or first line of your text, is vital because most readers decide whether they will read the rest of the text based on it and the headline alone. There is a copy writing idiom that states that the purpose of the headline is to get the first line read, the purpose of the first line is to get the second line read, and so on. Captions for your images are also important, since they help readers to scan the page for interesting information. The caption should be quite short, describe your image and indicate its relevance to the text.
• Bad headline: Great new offer! (Unspecific, uninteresting, sounds like a
marketing ploy.)
• Bad headline: Your business could be made more successful if you follow these steps (Indirect phrasing, long-winded without providing much indication of what the article is about.)
• Good headline: Double your Twitter followers in 3 steps (Clear, direct, promises useful advice in an easily digestible quantity.)
• Good headline: Are you at risk from online identity theft? (Direct and intriguing, creates a concern in the reader’s mind, sparks curiosity.)
For a good overview of eight types of effective headlines, read www.copyblogger. com/how-to-write-headlines-that-work.
Have a clear call to action. A call to action is a statement that tells the readers exactly what you want them to do – should they buy your product? Share your article? Follow you on Twitter? The only effective way to get people to do what you want is to tell them directly. Your call to action will be related to the goal of your marketing campaign and to how you measure conversion . If you want to grow your online social community, the desired action will be to engage with your social networking profiles. If you want to increase sales, you may want visitors to download your brochure or free sample.